
Sunday, September 27, 2009
#7 Bob 2:32 AM

That sickin' old Bob going mad again, due to all the whiskey. We are poor, but he wants to act like those rich nigger-lovers and drink, but he can only afford those stale whiskey. He used up all the money he is supposed to spend on us. Oh, but might as well. Using all the whites money. It will do them no good to have so much money.

Bob yelling like he got cunt too. In sleep some more. Yelling,"Atticus, you watched out. I will take my revenge !" Then making those spitting sound he attempt to make in his sleep. In truth, I doubt he can do anything. He is a coward who tail is stuck between his legs. In fact, his tail is so long, it gags his mouth and all he can do is talk some cock which he wont do.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
#6 Atticus 2:05 AM

Well, that Atticus is nothing but a nigger in my eyes as well. Humiliating sista like that. He thinks he is a proper white just by speaking all that deep English. Well, by defending those disgusting blacks, that makes him the same grade as them. What a yonder, degrading himself. All the talks about humanity.

Dirts, all of them. Treating the Ewells like dirts while they ARE the dirts. Disgusting all of them. The look Atticus gave to sista was ... Dont think I dont know what the look is. He looks down on us, even though he is a white himself. He is a nigger love, just like that Dolphin Raymond or something.

Where is America going to ? A nigger lover country ? Might as well move to Africa, dont cha think. Soon Maycomb will have full of mixed kids running around cause all those white men all wanna have a taste of black women.